Archivers API API Reference

Api for Archivers records

API Endpoint
Terms of Service:
Request Content-Types: application/json
Response Content-Types: application/json
Schemes: https
Version: 0.0.1


GET /users

Get Users

200 OK

Enveloped array of Users

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "username": "wonder_woman",
      "type": "user",
      "name": "Diana Prince",
      "description": "The Spirit of Truth",
      "homeUrl": "",
      "currentKey": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3"
  "pagination": "object"

GET /users/{id}

Get info on a single user


(no description)

200 OK

Single User

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "username": "wonder_woman",
    "type": "user",
    "name": "Diana Prince",
    "description": "The Spirit of Truth",
    "homeUrl": "",
    "currentKey": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3"

GET /primers

List Primers

200 OK

Enveloped array of Primers

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "shortTitle": "EPA",
      "title": "Environmental Protection Agency",
      "description": "The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health  and the environment through the development and enforcement of regulations.  The EPA is responsible for administering a number of laws that span various sectors,  such as agriculture, transportation, utilities, construction, and oil and gas.  In the budget for FY 2017, the agency lays out goals to better support communities  and address climate change following the President’s Climate Action Plan.  Additionally, the agency aims to improve community water infrastructure, chemical  plant safety, and collaborative partnerships among federal, state, and tribal levels.\n",
      "parent": null,
      "subPrimers": "array",
      "meta": {
        "county": "US",
        "primaryLanguage": "en"
      "stats": "object",
      "sources": [
          "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
          "created": "string (date-time)",
          "updated": "string (date-time)",
          "title": "",
          "description": "entire epa site",
          "url": "",
          "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
          "crawl": true,
          "staleDuration": "integer",
          "lastAlertSent": "string",
          "meta": "object",
          "stats": "object"
  "pagination": "object"

GET /primers/{id}

Get a Primer


(no description)

200 OK


Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "shortTitle": "EPA",
    "title": "Environmental Protection Agency",
    "description": "The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health  and the environment through the development and enforcement of regulations.  The EPA is responsible for administering a number of laws that span various sectors,  such as agriculture, transportation, utilities, construction, and oil and gas.  In the budget for FY 2017, the agency lays out goals to better support communities  and address climate change following the President’s Climate Action Plan.  Additionally, the agency aims to improve community water infrastructure, chemical  plant safety, and collaborative partnerships among federal, state, and tribal levels.\n",
    "parent": null,
    "subPrimers": "array",
    "meta": {
      "county": "US",
      "primaryLanguage": "en"
    "stats": "object",
    "sources": [
        "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
        "created": "string (date-time)",
        "updated": "string (date-time)",
        "title": "",
        "description": "entire epa site",
        "url": "",
        "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
        "crawl": true,
        "staleDuration": "integer",
        "lastAlertSent": "string",
        "meta": "object",
        "stats": "object"

GET /sources

List Sources

200 OK

Enveloped Sources

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "title": "",
      "description": "entire epa site",
      "url": "",
      "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
      "crawl": true,
      "staleDuration": "integer",
      "lastAlertSent": "string",
      "meta": "object",
      "stats": "object"
  "pagination": "object"

GET /sources/{id}

Get a Source


(no description)

200 OK

Enveloped Source

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "title": "",
    "description": "entire epa site",
    "url": "",
    "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
    "crawl": true,
    "staleDuration": "integer",
    "lastAlertSent": "string",
    "meta": "object",
    "stats": "object"

GET /urls

List Urls

200 OK

Enveloped List of Urls

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "url": "",
      "lastGet": "string (date-time)",
      "lastHead": "string (date-time)",
      "status": "integer",
      "contentType": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
      "contentSniff": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
      "contentLength": -1,
      "title": "United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA",
      "downloadTook": 0,
      "headersTook": 0,
      "headers": [
        "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
        "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
        "text/html; charset=utf-8",
        "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0",
        "max-age=31536000; preload;"
      "meta": "array",
      "hash": "1220459219b10032cc86dcdbc0f83aea15a9d3e1119e7b5170beaee233008ea2c2de",
      "contentUrl": ""
  "pagination": "object"

GET /urls/{id}

Get a Url


(no description)

200 OK

Enveloped Url

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "url": "",
    "lastGet": "string (date-time)",
    "lastHead": "string (date-time)",
    "status": "integer",
    "contentType": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
    "contentSniff": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
    "contentLength": -1,
    "title": "United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA",
    "downloadTook": 0,
    "headersTook": 0,
    "headers": [
      "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
      "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
      "text/html; charset=utf-8",
      "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0",
      "max-age=31536000; preload;"
    "meta": "array",
    "hash": "1220459219b10032cc86dcdbc0f83aea15a9d3e1119e7b5170beaee233008ea2c2de",
    "contentUrl": ""

GET /repositories

List Data Repositories

200 OK

list of repositories

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "title": "The Internet Archive",
      "description": "the archive of the worlds internet",
      "url": ""
  "pagination": "object"

GET /repository/{id}

get details for a single data repository


(no description)

200 OK

repository details

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "title": "The Internet Archive",
    "description": "the archive of the worlds internet",
    "url": ""

GET /coverage

Coverage tree of url-based resources


id of the primer to get coverage for


maximum number of children to return


comma-separated list of repository ids to limit coverage results for

string all

url of node to use as the root of the coverage tree, useful for tree traversal in combination with the depth param

200 OK

covergage tree

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "numLeaves": 5000,
    "numLeavesArchived": 3101,
    "children": {
      "name": "",
      "numLeaves": 3,
      "numLeavesArchived": 1,
      "numChildren": 2,
      "children": [
          "name": "castnet",
          "numLeaves": 2,
          "numLeavesArchived": 1,
          "numChildren": 1,
          "children": [
    "coverage": [
        "repositoryId": "4c0122g5-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
        "archived": true,
        "priority": 10
        "repositoryId": "4c0122g5-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
        "archived": false,
        "priority": 0
  "pagination": "object"

GET /collections

List Collections

200 OK

Enveloped array of collections

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "creator": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3",
    "title": "EPA Volatile Organic Compound Measurements",
    "schema": [
    "contents": [
  "pagination": "object"

GET /collections/{id}

Get a Collection


(no description)

200 OK

Enveloped Collection Object

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "meta": "object",
  "data": {
    "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
    "created": "string (date-time)",
    "updated": "string (date-time)",
    "creator": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3",
    "title": "EPA Volatile Organic Compound Measurements",
    "schema": [
    "contents": [

Schema Definitions

Collection: object

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

Created timestamp rounded to seconds in UTC

updated: string (date-time)

Updated timestamp rounded to seconds in UTC

creator: string

sha256 multihash of the public key that created this collection

title: string

human-readable title of the collection

schema: string[]

csv column headers, first value must always be "hash"

contents: string[]

actual collection contents

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "creator": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3",
  "title": "EPA Volatile Organic Compound Measurements",
  "schema": [
  "contents": [

CoverageTree: object

Tree of url components showing coverage information

numLeaves: integer

number of nodes in the tree that have no children. full url endpoints are leaves.

numLeavesArchived: integer

number of leaves that have been archived by at least one data repository

children: object[]

array of nodes that are a child of this node

coverage: object[]

array of services that have coverage information for this node

  "numLeaves": 5000,
  "numLeavesArchived": 3101,
  "children": {
    "name": "",
    "numLeaves": 3,
    "numLeavesArchived": 1,
    "numChildren": 2,
    "children": [
        "name": "castnet",
        "numLeaves": 2,
        "numLeavesArchived": 1,
        "numChildren": 1,
        "children": [
  "coverage": [
      "repositoryId": "4c0122g5-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
      "archived": true,
      "priority": 10
      "repositoryId": "4c0122g5-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
      "archived": false,
      "priority": 0

DataRepository: object

representation of a place that keeps an archive of data, eg the internet archive

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

timestamp of first addition to the database rounded to seconds in UTC.

updated: string (date-time)

timestamp of most recent change rounded to seconds in UTC

title: string

title of the data repository

description: string

description of the repository

url: string

url to home page of the repositoriy

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "title": "The Internet Archive",
  "description": "the archive of the worlds internet",
  "url": ""

Metadata: object

id: UUID
hash: string

sha256 multihash of all other fields in metadata as expressed by Metadata.HashableBytes()

timestamp: string (date-time)

Creation timestamp

keyId: string

Sha256 multihash of the public key that signed this metadata

subject: string

Sha256 multihash of the content this metadata is describing

prev: string

Hash value of the metadata that came before this, if any

meta: object

Acutal stored metadata about the subject, can be any valid json Object

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "hash": "string",
  "timestamp": "string (date-time)",
  "keyId": "string",
  "subject": "string",
  "prev": "string",
  "meta": "object"

Primer: object

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

timestamp of first addition to the database rounded to seconds in UTC.

updated: string (date-time)

timestamp of most recent change rounded to seconds in UTC

shortTitle: string

shortest possible expression of this primer's name, usually an acronym called shortTitle b/c acronyms collide often & users should feel free to expand on acronyms

title: string

human-readable title of this primer.

description: string

long-form description of this primer.

parent: object

parent primer (if any)

subPrimers: array

child-primers list

meta: object

metadata to associate with this primer

stats: object

statistics about this primer

sources: Source

collection of child sources

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "shortTitle": "EPA",
  "title": "Environmental Protection Agency",
  "description": "The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health  and the environment through the development and enforcement of regulations.  The EPA is responsible for administering a number of laws that span various sectors,  such as agriculture, transportation, utilities, construction, and oil and gas.  In the budget for FY 2017, the agency lays out goals to better support communities  and address climate change following the President’s Climate Action Plan.  Additionally, the agency aims to improve community water infrastructure, chemical  plant safety, and collaborative partnerships among federal, state, and tribal levels.\n",
  "parent": null,
  "subPrimers": "array",
  "meta": {
    "county": "US",
    "primaryLanguage": "en"
  "stats": "object",
  "sources": [
      "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
      "created": "string (date-time)",
      "updated": "string (date-time)",
      "title": "",
      "description": "entire epa site",
      "url": "",
      "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
      "crawl": true,
      "staleDuration": "integer",
      "lastAlertSent": "string",
      "meta": "object",
      "stats": "object"

Source: object

Source is a concreate handle for archiving. Crawlers use source's url as a base of a link tree. Sources are connected to a parent Primer to provide context & organization.

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

timestamp of first addition to the database rounded to seconds in UTC.

updated: string (date-time)

timestamp of most recent change rounded to seconds in UTC

title: string

human-readable title for this source

description: string

description of the source, ideally one paragraph

url: string

url to serve as boundaries for archiving

primerId: string

primer this source is connected to

crawl: boolean

weather or not this url should be crawled be a web crawler

staleDuration: integer

amount of time before a link within this tree is considered in need of re-checking for changes. currently not in use, but planned.

lastAlertSent: string

yeah this'll probably get depricated. Part of a half-baked alerts feature idea.

meta: object

Metadata associated with this source that should be added to all child urls, currently not in use, but planned

stats: object

Stats about this source

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "title": "",
  "description": "entire epa site",
  "url": "",
  "primerId": "5b1031f4-38a8-40b3-be91-c324bf686a87",
  "crawl": true,
  "staleDuration": "integer",
  "lastAlertSent": "string",
  "meta": "object",
  "stats": "object"

Url: object

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

timestamp of first addition to the database rounded to seconds in UTC.

updated: string (date-time)

timestamp of most recent change rounded to seconds in UTC

url: string

URI string without any normalization. Url strings must always be absolute. unique to each entry

lastGet: string (date-time)

timestamp for most recent GET request

lastHead: string (date-time)

timestamp for most recent HEAD request

status: integer

latest returned HTTP response status code

contentType: string

latest returnd 'Content-Type' HTTP header

contentSniff: string

Result of mime sniffing to GET response body, as detailed at

contentLength: integer

server-specified ContentLength header

title: string

HTML Title tag attribute

downloadTook: integer

Time remote server took to transfer content in miliseconds.

headersTook: integer

Time taken to in miliseconds. currently not implemented

headers: string

key-value array of returned headers from most recent HEAD or GET request stored in the form [key,value,key,value...]

meta: array

any associative metadata for this url

hash: string

Hash is a multihash sha-256 of the response body of a GET request

contentUrl: string

Url to saved content

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "url": "",
  "lastGet": "string (date-time)",
  "lastHead": "string (date-time)",
  "status": "integer",
  "contentType": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
  "contentSniff": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
  "contentLength": -1,
  "title": "United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA",
  "downloadTook": 0,
  "headersTook": 0,
  "headers": [
    "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
    "Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:53:45 GMT",
    "text/html; charset=utf-8",
    "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0",
    "max-age=31536000; preload;"
  "meta": "array",
  "hash": "1220459219b10032cc86dcdbc0f83aea15a9d3e1119e7b5170beaee233008ea2c2de",
  "contentUrl": ""

User: object

id: UUID
created: string (date-time)

timestamp of first addition to the database rounded to seconds in UTC.

updated: string (date-time)

timestamp of most recent change rounded to seconds in UTC

username: string

handle for the user. min 1 character, max 80. composed of [_,-,a-z,A-Z,1-9]

type: string

specifies weather this is a user or an organization

name: string

user name field. could be first[space]last, but not strictly enforced

description: string

user-filled description of self

homeUrl: string

url this user wants the world to click

currentKey: string

sh256 multihash of public key that this user is currently using for signatures

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "updated": "string (date-time)",
  "username": "wonder_woman",
  "type": "user",
  "name": "Diana Prince",
  "description": "The Spirit of Truth",
  "homeUrl": "",
  "currentKey": "358a2a6b8e857836a9410c3ae5285eb5fec6fda7dcb7c78f75b4bada99bceea3"

UUID: string

Snapshot: object

url: string

The url that was requested

created: string (date-time)

Time this request was issued

status: integer

Returned Status

duration: integer

Time to complete response in milliseconds

headers: string

Record of all returned headers in [key,value,key,value...]

hash: string

Multihash of response body (if any)

  "url": "string",
  "created": "string (date-time)",
  "status": "integer",
  "duration": "integer",
  "headers": "string",
  "hash": "string"

Uncrawlable: object

id: UUID
url: string

url from urls table, must be unique

created: string

Created timestamp rounded to seconds in UTC

updated: string

Updated timestamp rounded to seconds in UTC

creator: string

sha256 multihash of the public key that created this uncrawlable

name: string

name of person making submission

email: string

email address of person making submission

eventName: string

name of data rescue event where uncrawlable was added

agency: string

agency name

agencyId: string

EDGI agency Id

subagencyId: string

EDGI subagency Id

orgId: string

EDGI organization Id

suborgId: string

EDGI Suborganization Id

subprimerId: string

EDGI subprimer Id

ftp: boolean

flag for ftp content

database: boolean

flag for 'database'

interactive: boolean

flag for visualization / interactive content obfuscating data

manyFiles: boolean

flag for a page that links to many files

comments: string

uncrawlable comments

  "id": "c98255ce-30a2-4fe5-94a6-7e6ec08a46ec",
  "url": "string",
  "created": "string",
  "updated": "string",
  "creator": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "eventName": "string",
  "agency": "string",
  "agencyId": "string",
  "subagencyId": "string",
  "orgId": "string",
  "suborgId": "string",
  "subprimerId": "string",
  "ftp": "boolean",
  "database": "boolean",
  "interactive": "boolean",
  "manyFiles": "boolean",
  "comments": "string"